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How to get back into Exercise

June 02, 2022

Daniel Munday works in the fitness industry and runs DPM performance – Fitness Solutions For Busy Parents & Professionals Over 40. We’ve asked him to write a guest blog on something that we talk about a lot with our clients: How to get back into exercise when you haven’t been active for a while.

He’s got some wise things to say about the topic:

I know how it can sometimes feel when you’ve let a habit that you’ve had going for a while slip. Life gets in the way and other things take up your priority space. We’ve all been there.

It is what it is. I’m not here to judge you on what has gone on. I’m here to encourage you today how to get back in the saddle and start moving again – maybe with a perspective you haven’t heard before.


What is the best exercise to do?


One of the most asked questions I’ve had in my 22 years in the fitness industry is “what is the best exercise to do?”.
It’s a valid question, but the answer may not be what you’re expecting to hear. Because when it comes down to it, the best exercise is the one that you will do.
It doesn’t matter if some magical exercise or workout has seen amazing results for your friend, but if you’re not interested in that type of exercise, it is pointless to you.
It may not take into account your injury history or exercises (or a type of exercise) that you hate or what gets you going. It’s hardly motivating to start that is it?


Walking ExercisingSo give yourself permission to find something that you like doing.


Is that a walk? A swim? A run? A class with a friend or two? Maybe it’s bodyweight exercises you can do in your pj’s at home?


Whatever works. That’s the best exercise you can do.


And the more you do it, the easier it will become. Meaning you’re more motivated to keep going with it. Because you’ll start to feel better.


How should I expect to feel after exercising?


An important thing to remember is that you’re rarely ever going to feel worse after doing a workout.
Exercise releases endorphins and you’ll soon experience that great feeling. That endorphin feeling is hard to find elsewhere and it gets amplified when you can start to see yourself improving and noticing results – whatever they may be for you.


How do I get started with an exercise routine?

The hardest part is always the start. Just do something. Put it on repeat, do that thing again and again. Eventually you’ve established a new pattern and a new habit.
Don’t look at the bigger picture, break things down to smaller things and just do something, because it all adds up – and it’s worth it in the long run.

Daniel MundayAbout Daniel Munday

Daniel Munday helps busy parents and professionals over 40 feel more energised and less stressed with a workout style that goes against the grain of the usual boot camp style of trainer. Group and personal training is available as well as zoom options for those unable to meet in person.