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Paediatric Acupuncture

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The biggest barrier to get a child to receive acupuncture is the perception that they won’t be able to cope with the needles. The reality is that, when practised in the right way, acupuncture can be almost painless and is accepted by the vast majority of children. However, there is a small percentage of children for whom being needled is genuinely terrifying. Thankfully, paediatric acupuncture is so much more than the use of needles. There are several other methods to deliver treatment that will usually be combined in a paediatric treatment.

At Natural Solutions Acupuncture

Paediatric Treatment

Treating children is a fine art, it is definitely not like treating a smaller version of an adult. Their bodies and brains are wired differently and it is really important to understand how exactly they are different to be able to give them the right treatment and keep them healthy. Choose a practitioner that has done specific training in paediatric acupuncture. Here at Natural Solutions Marieke looks after the paediatric treatments. She has learned from the best in the business, Rebecca Avern from the UK, one of the world most renowned paediatric acupuncturists.


Pediatric Acupuncture - alternative medicine for kids
Green Leaf Before Green Leaf After
Pediatric Acupuncture - alternative medicine for kids - Child Unwell

Paediatric Acupuncture

Acupuncture may be able to assist with symptoms related to:

  • Mental-Emotional conditions like ADHD, ADD, ASD, Anxiety and Depression and Sleeping Problems.
  • Digestive Problems (Pain, Bowel Problems, Food Allergies).
  • Ear, Nose and Throat problems
  • Chronic Cough and Asthma
  • Teenage Menstrual Problems
system of Chinese massage

Paediatric Tui Na

This is a very effective system of Chinese massage. It involves using a variety of different movements, ranging from stroking to tapping, on different parts of the child’s body. The areas that are used are ones that are easily accessible. Babies and children usually love it. Tui Na is particularly helpful in children up to the age of approximately 7. We can also teach it to you so that you can perform it on your child at home too.

Shonishin OR ‘Children's Needle'

The Japanese term Shonishin, means ‘children’s needle’. It refers to a method of treating children with various tools that are used to stroke or tap areas on the child’s body. Interestingly enough this method does not actually use needles. It is a light and non-invasive method of treatment which can bring about profound changes in a baby or child. We may use it on its own or combine it with another treatment method. It can be used for many different conditions, from premature babies to teenagers on the autistic spectrum.

Brown Leaf Before Brown Leaf After

for Children


Cupping is another ancient technique which has been used in Chinese medicine for many centuries. We may use it on your child if they have an acute condition, such as a cough or cold. I may also use it if your child has a pain condition, such as a sports injury. Cupping involves placing either a glass or silicone cup on a part of the body with the use of suction. Most children find being cupped fun. Once they have experienced it once, they tend to ask for it every time!


Cupping for Kids - Alternative medicine for kids

for after treatment

Press Seeds

At the end of a treatment, we may put a press seed on a specific acupuncture point either on the body or the ear. This very gently stimulates the point. Once it is on, the child will usually forget it is there. It is easy to replace these seeds at home when necessary.


Acupuncture after Treatment with Press Seeds
Green Leaf Before Green Leaf After
Taught to Parents

Home Treatment

Paediatric Tui Na and Shonishin can be taught to parents or caregivers to perform at home. There are several reasons why home treatments are beneficial.

  • Having some small treatments between appointments means that your child’s symptoms improve more quickly.
  • It is a great way for the caregiver to participate actively in their child’s wellbeing.
  • The treatments that can be done at home involve a lot of soft, caring touch. Just five minutes or so of this a day can enhance a relationship between the parent and child.


Acupuncture and Paediatric Tui Na and Shonishin to treat at home

Can I claim my Paediatric Acupuncture session on my private insurance?

Most Private Health Funds cover acupuncture however it is important to check your level of cover with your health fund prior to your treatment. We do have HICAPS facilities so if you’re covered you will only have to pay the gap.