Lotus plants with flowers


The Art of Preventative Healthcare

Preventative healthcare is a concept that is not part of the modern Western idea of healthcare, it doesn’t emphasise the treatment of ailments but rather the active preservation of good health. Preventative healthcare...

Is your digestion affecting your fertility?

Is your digestion affecting your fertility? The answer is yes, 100%! Our digestive system play such an important role in our lives. It breaks down our food into useful nutrients so that our body can use it to produce energy...

How to get back into Exercise

Daniel Munday works in the fitness industry and runs DPM performance – Fitness Solutions For Busy Parents & Professionals Over 40. We’ve asked him to write a guest blog on something that we talk about a lot ...

Postnatal Care – The Golden Month

The importance of the Postnatal time. Chances are you’ve just given birth when you’re reading this, so congratulations Mama! Or, if you are ready to deliver your little angel soon, congratulations on making it t...

Fertility and Smoking – Important Facts

Fertility and Smoking – is it really a problem?   Is smoking really affecting your fertility? The answer is a resounding YES! We all know that smoking increases you chances of heart and lung disease and cancer bu...

These 4 books are a must read if you love acupuncture!

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have become very popular in the last decade. I started practising nearly 20 years ago now and at that time I would only see people that either had tried EVERYTHING else and...

Male Fertility – Improve your Sperm with Food.

Last week our blog was about the basics of male fertility. We have had an overwhelming response with a great rise in the number of males seeking to improve their fertility. One of the questions that keeps coming up is what ...

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