Lotus plants with flowers

Mental Health

Brain Food: Nutrition for Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are getting increasingly common and more and more people are affected by it. It is interesting that with all the advances that have been made in Western medicine, the cause of these issues remains ver...

Teenage Eating Disorders and Acupuncture – a new Avenue of Support?

Eating Disorders – the Facts   Eating disorders are a significant mental health concern and over the last decade we have been seeing more and more of them. It is estimated that approximately 9% of the global popu...

Mental-Emotional Conditions in Children

Mental-emotional conditions are now very prevalent amongst young people. There are now a multitude of studies confirming what parents, teachers and anyone working with young people already know: that anxiety and depression ...

Are You Troubled by Your Emotions?

Emotional problems such as anxiety, depression, stress and panic disorders are common presentations for medical attention in today’s society. It is normal to experience these feelings from time to time as part of our everyd...

Why are childhood attachment styles so important?

We’ve asked Kate Kernick, holistic counsellor and one of our trusted referral partners, to write a guest blog about childhood attachment styles. Please enjoy reading her expert advice on this very important topic. Wha...

Types of Depression in Traditional Chinese Medicine

What is depression? Depression is very common and complex and often the symptoms can be different for everyone. We all feel moody, sad or low sometimes but depression is more than a low mood. Depression is a serious conditi...

Chronic Stress – Why is it so bad for you?

What is stress? Stress isn’t all bad. It helps us adapt to our environment and motivates us to perform. It makes that we can react to a threat by fighting or fleeing. Adrenaline and cortisol flood the body. Blood pressure, ...

How to manage your emotions this festive season.

It’s that time of the year again, happy for some, stressful for others. The lead up to Christmas and the New Year can trigger a lot of emotions in people and it can be a tough time to get through. Emotions like disappointme...

How to take control of Depression and beat the darkness

What is depression? We all feel sad or moody from time to time but depression is more than just a low mood. When these feelings are experienced intensely, for long periods of time (weeks, months or even years) or appear wit...

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